Letter to the Editor: Ad sends demeaning message to women
Nov 22, 2010
(On Nov. 15), I was reading the Lanthorn, and I came upon an advertisement in section A6. This advertisement was advertising Parkway Tropics, a strip club. I was very offended and very sad. Why would you post an advertisement that encourages women to be sluts and whores, especially women of GVSU. Not only did this advertisement take up half the page, but it was of a young woman dressed in a bikini and basically sale’s her body. As a women I find this very demeaning. It makes me very sad to see this paper supporting this ad. In the ad it says, “Quite possibly the strangest night you will ever see at a strip club.” It also is promoting college students to go and they don’t even have to pay. Our society views women in such a demeaning way. Women are expected to look a certain way and we must be hot and sexy. What kind of message is this sending out to women and girls that are insecure and have low self esteem? You wonder why our society has so many messed up young girls. They just want to be wanted and so they join strip clubs to feel that void. This advertisement is a disgrace to GVSU. Its sad that we encourage young women to sale their bodies and even on a college campus.
Emily Kuehn
GVSU student