This is a time to learn from each other, not create further divides within our society

Dear Editor,

This morning I received a link to a column written in the editorial section of the Lanthorn. I should begin by saying, that during my time at GVSU, I looked forward to reading the newspaper and considered it a campus staple. However, with the recent article in the editorial section, I have become disheartened with the paper’s choice of publishing.

The article “There is Only Room for One Holiday” is not only offensive, but distasteful. The article is right, this is America—a country founded on basic principles of freedom and equality. America prides itself on being apart from the others, a place where people can go to escape inequalities and be included in one diverse society. These are the things they teach us in school, not to be intolerant and ignorant towards other religious beliefs and cultures. Especially now, during the holidays, we need to come together. This is a time to learn from each other, not create further divides within our society.

I take pride in being a Laker. However, it saddens me to see that a piece like this could be published by the university I called home for four years. Printed as either truth or satire, as some of the comments on the website claim, the editorial is offensive. Grand Valley should not have printed this article. I understand the purpose of satire, but Editor, this goes too far.
