Letter to the Editor: Extremely offended by crude, demeaning advertisement

I am writing in response to the advertisement taking up space on the back page of the Lanthorn (on Nov. 22). I turned the paper over to see spread before me an image of meat. As a vegetarian, it is extremely offensive to see an animal presented in this way. How insensitive can the Lanthorn be to us vegetarians to support such a business that would display meat in such a way? To think that in this day and age, we still see animals as nothing but food. We have made great progress in recent years in educating people about the vegetarian lifestyle and how animals should be treated equally and not eaten, but images like this only reinforce Man’s insatiable hunger for meat. I am so offended. An animal’s flesh is not something that should be purchased and eaten just to satisfy hunger. These poor animals. Perhaps the Lanthorn should consider supporting other restaurants that do not subject animals to such obscene torture, and proudly display delicious and juicy meat in their advertisements. GVSU is a respectable university, and I trust they will take proper action to never display meat in such a way in the Lanthorn again.

Kevin Mulder
GVSU student