Student senate briefs *PRINT ONLY*
Nov 30, 2016
Student senate finance committee report from the week of Monday, Nov. 28
Event funding:
Alpha Kappa Psi requested $493 for a yoga and pancakes event in the Kirkhof Center Saturday, Dec.3. They received $433.
The belly dancing club requested and received $426 for a night of belly dance in the Grand River Room Friday, Dec. 2.
Travel funding:
Alpha Kappa Psi requested $4,791.84 for a trip to the Principled Business Leadership Institute in Chicago. They received $1,980.
The society of women engineers requested and received $650 for a trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan for the Society of Women Engineers Conference.
The university recreation council requested and received $600 for a trip to Columbus, Ohio for the NIRSA Lead On student conference.
The swing dance club requested $1,521 for the Lindy Focus event in Asheville, North Carolina. They received $1,131.
The pre-veterinary club requested $1,150 for the APVMA National Symposium in Raleigh, North Carolina. The received $1,142.
The students for life group requested $2,000 for the March for Life event in Washington, D.C. They received $810.
The Greek life council requested $4,145 for AFLV in Indianapolis, Indiana. They received $2,277.
Upcoming funding board meetings:
Appropriations meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 4 p.m. in Kirkhof Center Room 2201
Cultural Funding Board
Monday, Dec. 5 at 1 p.m. in Kirkhof Center Room 1142