For students who might not know how marijuana has changed over the years, or the specifics about safe use, this event acts as an introduction to the topic. (Courtesy/ Detroit Free Press)
On Tuesday December 1st, the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) team at GVSU will be hosting a virtual event themed around marijuana and how to safely use it. “The 3 B’s of Marijuana” will be a 50-minute presentation with a conversational tone and setting, with time for questions and discussion throughout.
“AOD, formerly known as ACES, has historically provided presentations specifically pertaining to alcohol and marijuana as those are two of the most prevalent substance students use,” said Kaylin Zocharski, the graduate assistant for AOD.
In 2018, Michigan became the 10th state in the country to legalize marijuana. The proposal won 55.9% of the statewide vote, making it the first such legislation to succeed in ending marijuana prohibition in the Midwest.
“With marijuana’s recent legalization in Michigan and students learning to navigate these decisions independently in college, students being more informed and debunking misinformation can help them make the choices that are right for their well-being and health,” said Zocharski.
The “3 B’s of Marijuana” is designed to be an inclusive and understanding outlet for constructive discussion and was created to address a lack of knowledge within the GVSU community. The 3 B’s event features three different aspects of safe substance use: be safe, be smart, and be responsible.
“We will discuss cultural influences on marijuana use, safe use, how to be responsible for others, types of marijuana and consumption methods, and effects of marijuana,” said Zocharski.
Importantly, the event exists to educate and inform, rather than to dissuade.
“We are in no way trying to tell students they can’t use substances, as adults that is a personal choice,” said Zocharski. “However, we strongly advocate for students to be aware of the proper information before they put any substance into their body.”
When a drug has been illegal for as long as marijuana, misinformation tends to follow. Much like America’s favorite psychoactive drug, the ever popular alcohol, there are both benefits and dangers to using marijuana. The important thing is to be well informed.
“This information is not just for students who use marijuana,” said Zocharski. “It is for students who have an interest in substance use studies, may be considering marijuana use, may have someone they know who could use this information, etc. It is truly a program for everyone.”
For students interested in attending, more information and details about the event can be found on GVSU’s Event page. Feel free to follow AOD on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook @gvsuaod to keep up to date on their event schedule and other activities.