Lizzy Balboa

Though the recent spat of record-shattering heat is a welcome change from the blistering winter cold at Grand Valley State University, many students are still cursing the sunshine on the side while heat in the classrooms have them sweating worse than finals ever will

You might want to sit down for this, GVSU, because relief isn’t scheduled until April 1. Since GVSU’s facilities services team will be working on four projects down in the utility tunnels until March 28, and the air conditioning in most on-campus buildings cannot be turned on until the work is complete.

Jeff Marcinkowski, maintenance supervisor, said there are is no chilled water in the lines right now because of the pipe work being done.

“Usually we don’t have 80 degree weather in March or 60 degree weather,” Marcinkowski said. “This is technically a good time to work right before the cooling season.”

Air conditioning is currently off in all academic areas, the recreation center, Fieldhouse and on-campus living centers.

Marcinkowski said that, despite some requests, facilities services does not have the money to supply every classroom with fans, but departments can purchase fans for their own areas.

“Hopefully we’ll weather it all through,” he said.

Along with highs of 78 degrees Monday, 82 degrees Tuesday and 79 degrees Wednesday, expect some heavy precipitation – from your neighbor’s forehead.

So pack a hankie, pack a hand fan, and enjoy the sauna that was once your geology classroom.

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