0202 qoti *PRINT ONLY

“I think if I looked up what their roles are on my own, I might have an idea of what they do, but I don’t think there’s a connection between the administration and Grand Valley for the students to provide feedback. I don’t think the administration as a whole is very vocal about what they do for students.” 

Noemi Jimenez, Junior, International Relations, Muskegon, Michigan

“I work at the library, and as a student at the library, sometimes you look at the paper, but through my supervisors I’m sometimes told what’s going on throughout the university. I know the resources are out there but sometimes I don’t go out of my way to really know what’s going on.”

Alex Eason, Senior, Exercise Science, Okemos, Michigan

“No I do not know what they’re working on. I would like more resources, because I would like to know because I like Grand Valley.”

Lawson Bright-Mitchell, Junior, Sports Management, Albion, Michigan

“With recent events, such as the new immigration order and all those changes, I think our administration is striving to provide a sustainable environment for all of us. We are coming from different backgrounds, different cultures, different ethnicities. I think our school has a lot of different resources and I think it’s thanks to our administration.”

Kanykey Begaliyeva, Senior, Hopitality Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan