Response to Slattery: ‘Guys, we are the commodity!’

Two things led to this note: first, I read Slattery’s Oct 6 article on dating (and don’t worry Chris there are at least 6 people that read you daily) and second I actually heard this quote from a GVSU girl while walking: “I want a boyfriend, but there are not eligible guys at GV and the ones that are eligible just don’t try.”

I physically stopped and thought why? Is she saying that all GV guys are in a relationship? Clearly not, as I have at least three friends and myself who are single, ergo when she says eligible she means up to par.

If that is the case I am going to take your philosophy Chris and run with it to the extremes; to the point of offending some people because if you don’t offend at least one person with your philosophy you generally aren’t trying.

Lets introduce the laws of supply and demand here and a little bit of Adam Smith for you economics people; for every 1 guy there are approximately 2.51 girls (1 guy for 2.51 girls) at GVSU. As much as I would love 2.51 girlfriends the idea enters the realm that is both whimsical and morbid. So what can we determine from this? Guys, we are the commodity! It doesn’t matter if all the girls fought over us; there are still not enough of us to go around.

So this leads to another question: Why should the guys try? Well if you believe in chivalry then you feel that the manly guy should so something to sweep the dainty girl off her feet. However, if you believe that you probably still believe that the world is flat. This is the 21st century people! The age of feminism and women empowerment! Perhaps, we should stop focusing on the guy having to initiate and start focusing on the girl. Ladies if you want one of us go for it. Chances are we will not think any less of you and plus I don’t know a guy who wouldn’t want to be asked on a date. We like strong independent women.

Still not convinced? Well if all this is not kosher to you then I will stand upon supply and demand for my defense. Bottom line ladies, if you don’t like the product at your local store its simple: go to another store. Thus, if you don’t like the guys at GVSU and it’s that big of a deal, you should probably find a different school. As for the number of guys, they aren’t exactly bringing us in by te truckload; and as for the ones already here, well we are here to stay. We like the gender ratio.

Kevin Swift

GVSU student