Column ‘encourages a mindset of exclusion’

Dear Editor,

I write concerning a recent editorial posted in the Lanthorn, “There is Only Room for One Holiday”. As one of the few organizations on campus devoted to Jewish life, Hillel, we feel that this article was offensive, close-minded, and ignorant. More importantly, however, it encourages a mindset of exclusion within the Grand Valley community when it comes to the different religions and cultures our school encompasses. We are proud to freely practice our religion in the United States and on the GVSU campus, free of discrimination and anti-Semitism. In America, our Constitution assures freedom of religion, speech and press. But the author in question abused his freedom of press with a cheap attempt to draw a reaction from the readers, at the expense of minorities on campus. Satirical references to the holiday season have potential for comedic value, but when specific religions and ethnic groups within the student body are told return to their “hole-in-the-ground country”, it is safe to say that Mr. Slattery is not focused on satire; he is espousing racism. We strongly urge you to remove the article completely and immediately from the Lanthorn, and that Lanthorn publish an apology to the entire GVSU community. The GVSU Lanthorn should be used to promote campus well-being, and inform students. This article espouses ignorance and intolerance; even worse, it encourages other students to similar intolerance. How can GVSU be taken seriously as an institution of higher learning, when articles like this are published in its newspaper? The Editorial staff missed an opportunity to make a statement to Mr. Slattery, that racism and anti-Semitism will not be tolerated at GVSU.



Public Relations Chair

GVSU Hillel Organization