Finding lasting fixes
Jan 27, 2013
Temporary fixes are just that: temporary. We look around at the chaos and the logical thing to do is attempt to “stop the bleeding.” The object is to get a clear vantage point, to see what it is that is actually happening. We make a botched attempt to fix things for that moment in order to gain more time to figure out the game plan.
But, as everyone knows, life is busy. There are other things that require our attention. Things that take top priority, and after accomplishing those demanding tasks, there is always another something or other to get done. Our attention is constantly being diverted, and because the temporary fix is still working, we pay no attention because it is not vital that we do. The two main motivators in the lives of human beings are not Pinterest and dreams, but instead money and pain. What is happening in the world today? School shootings seem to be on the rise along with bright and shiny new taxes, and laws and health care are being changed seemingly every minute, just to name a few. But how is it that we readily hold up a band-aid, ready to fix any problem that comes our way when it is temporary, when, in a short amount of time, the problem will need to be readdressed and dealt with again. Problems continue to arise, and they are more easily brought up than handled. So, according to my math, problems are pilling up and solutions are flowing at a steady but slow pace, walker in hand and denture adhesive cream in the other.
The United States debt problem is a wonderful example: presidents have tried to ignore it, passed a few laws to look like they’re doing something about it, or probably thought that to spend a few billion was necessary at the time. As of January 25, 2013, the outstanding public debt rose to $16,436,542,845,440.56 (wow, I feel broke). By ignoring the problem and literally throwing money at it, it has gotten to the point that our future children will only get every other paycheck, and the remaining money that they do earn will viciously be cut in half: all because of temporary fixes. The key is to attempt to recognize that you have to go back to that band-aid, and figure out a real solution to the problem.
Remember that word temporary? Yeah, it’s pretty important but easily forgotten. No, really though, the word can fall between the cracks in a second: it would be like a teacher assigning for you to read a book by the end of two weeks rather than assigning pages every night. Can you say procrastination? But we were taught to prioritize. That is how most of us operate. That is, until all of the temporary fixes spring leaks, leaving us with flooding mayhem.