Oct 5, 2016
Student senate finance report for the week of Oct. 3
Event funds:
The You Beautiful Black Woman club requested $175 for induction of new members. The request was denied in full.
The League of Legends club requested $360.20 for hardware to use for future tournaments. The motion was tabled in order to talk to the IT department.
The Council for Exceptional Children Symposium requested and received $841 for an event and speakers for GVSU students who might want to be future teachers Saturday, Nov. 12.
The Institute of Internal Auditors requested $1,385.70 for an event in Orlando, Florida that already happened. The request was denied, because student senate cannot reimburse groups for events that have already happened.
The Muslim Student Association requested $3,822 for food, marketing and speakers for an event Friday, Oct. 28. The request was tabled to change address and choose an adequate room for the size of the event.
The Delta Phi Lambda sorority requested $4,807 for speakers, food and promotions for a Friday, Oct. 28 event. They received $3,833.
Travel funds:
The La Tertulia Spanish club requested $1,455.72 for a trip to Chicago Saturday, Nov. 12. They received $1,290.
The American Marketing Association requested and received $1,490 for transportation to an event in Chicago Friday, Oct. 21.
Euphoria requested $2,104 for a conference Nov. 18-20. They received $1,290.
The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ organization requested $2,689.20 for a conference in Tampa, Florida Wednesday, Oct. 26. They received $2,000.
Other funds:
A Cappella GrooVe! requested and received $250 for an application fee.
Upcoming funding meetings:
Cultural Funding Board: Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Kirkhof Center Room 1142
Appropriations Funding Board: Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Kirkhof Center Room 2201