Save money with the little things

Austin Metz

The 2012 National Survey of Student Engagement annual results reported that 60 percent of first-year students are worried about having enough money for regular expenses and 62 percent of seniors had the same concern.

Now, we all know that college is the time for students to live off Ramen noodles, canned beans, cereal and the always-popular Easy Mac; but does that really need to be the case? Can’t we as college students stand up and spoil ourselves by getting a steak once in awhile?

If ollege is supposed to be a time to learn, to grow and mature (and have a little fun along the way), then why did the NSSE survey find that 59 percent of first-year students and 53 percent of seniors are worried about paying for college? Why do 32 percent of first-year students and 36 percent of seniors worry that financial concerns are interfering with their academic performance?

The truth of the matter is that most students have a difficult time managing their money, and this increases stress.

“Waiting until after college to take control of your finances could cost you,” said Nick Certo, senior vice president in University Banking at PNC Bank in an article on the website

So, if you are one of those students who is working a full-time job while taking a full class load, keep up the good work. That said, there are things that all students can do to help alleviate the financial burden they may feel and maybe even help set themselves up for the future.

In the article “The New Freshman 15: Financial Tips for College Students” by Sheryl Nance-Nash that appeared on, she shared simple ideas each student can do to save money.

Her main thought is that many students don’t realize all the hidden costs that they could avoid.