Feedback for the Fall Breather

Andrew Plague and Fred Antczak

The first “Fall Breather” – supported by Student Senate, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University Libraries, and faculty in several colleges – is over. Now we’d like to know what you think.

Student Senate has set up a place to express your view of Fall Breather on its website, We’d like to know whatever you want to tell us about your experience – or your non-experience – of the Fall Breather. If you’re a professor, librarian or staff member, did you observe the Fall Breather? If not, why not, if so, how? Would you observe it in a future fall semester?

If you’re a student, how many of your professors observed Fall Breather in some way or another? What college are you in? Did you feel as if you needed the extra available time? What did you use the time for? Did it help in a decision about whether you ought to stay in or to drop a course or courses? What do you think of the general idea of a Fall Breather? In light of what you experienced, do you favor a real Fall Break, perhaps a four day weekend?

Any of these responses, and anything else you may have to say, are welcome. We’ll be collecting responses for the rest of the semester. So, as you notice effects, please share them. It’s only about five weeks to Thanksgiving, so as we all hunker down for a productive push toward the end of the semester; please let us know if a Fall Breather might have helped make you more productive.

Andrew Plague, President of Student Senate

Fred Antczak, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences