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“I think we should know where (the money) is going and why (Spotlight Productions) is getting a budget cut and why President’s Ball gets an increase in funding. As a (general assembly member of Spotlight) I wish I knew where things were going.”

Alex Buraconak, senior, hospitality, Farmington Hills

“I have no idea where the money goes and where they get the money.”

Abigail Robichaud, senior, hospitality, Canton, MI

“I don’t know anything about the process. I would like to know more, I think it’s important to know where the money is going or how it’s allocated to different organizations.”

Liv Fucinari, junior, speech language pathology, Allen Park, MI

“I don’t really know much. I guess I’d like to know more about what organizations they provide funding to and how they come up with the percentages or how they come up with how much money each organization should receive.”

Logan Gunther, sophomore, Hospitality/Tourism management, Commerce Township, MI