Editorial board

Flu season is almost upon us, and so is the statewide vaccination competition. Grand Valley State University is one of the colleges participating, with the hope that the university can vaccinate the most number of people.

People in the GVSU community can, and should, take advantage of the flu clinics that will pop up around Allendale and Grand Rapids in the next couple of months. Last year, almost 1,800 people were vaccinated on GVSU’s campus, but fewer than 200 of them were students.

The Center for Disease Control estimates that 200,000 people are hospitalized each year because of the flu. About 36,000 people die from the flu annually. According to National Public Radio, one in four college students get the flu every year.

This is a problem. Students may argue that they don’t have the time, the money or the need for a flu shot. However, they should make time and take this quick procedure seriously. What students really don’t have the time or money for is being out of commission for multiple days of class due to illness.

Getting the flu means headaches, congestion, coughing and a fever. You will be in no shape to go to class or get work done. No one enjoys being sick or having to miss valuable class time. You might feel like you don’t have time to get the flu shot now, but not getting it will take up so much more of your time later.

By not getting your flu shot, you not only endanger your own health, but the health of others. Every person who doesn’t get their flu shot opens themselves up to becoming a carrier for the virus and allows the virus to mutate a little over time, making the virus unrecognizable to our immune systems.

Thus, the more people on campus who get their flu shot, the less likely we all are to get the flu.

At a university with 25,000 people and 30 students in each class, personal space can get cramped. Whether you have the flu or the common cold, it is important to avoid getting others sick if at all possible. If you are sick, don’t come to class. We know that it’s hard to miss class and to make up work, but coming to class will only infect others and force them to miss class as well.

Getting a flu shot every year is easy and relatively painless.

There are several convenient locations for students to stop by for their shot on campus. Though the cost is $30, the fee is payable via GVSU student accounts, and well worth the peace of mind – for yourself as well as your classmates.