Existing sidewalk available along Pierce Street courtesy of Campus View

We at Campus View certainly agree with your contention that sidewalks should be installed on Pierce Street between 42nd and 48th Street made in the Oct. 18 issue of the Lanthorn (and would add the stretch running past the golf course to that suggestion). We also join the GVSU community in offering our hopes, thoughts and prayers for Zach Sompels’ complete recovery. However, we are disappointed in the incomplete and misleading content in your reporting of the accident involving Zachary in the Oct. 18, 2010 issue of the Lanthorn.

Mr. Justus writes that “’[w]ithout sidewalks, pedestrians and bicyclists like Zach are forced to compete with cars traveling at up to 55 mph (the speed limit for unsigned rural roads) for space. The only alternative for pedestrians is to walk in the muddy drainage ditches on either side of the road.”

That description of Mr. Sompels’ choices and situation where the accident occurred is simply not accurate.

Both in the cover story starting on the front page of the Lanthorn and in Andrew Justus’ editorial on page A3, an incomplete picture of the availability of sidewalks to Mr. Sompels in his bicycle commute from Campus View to the GVSU campus is painted.

While I understand Mr. Justus is very upset about his roommate’s accident and the need to hold someone other than Mr. Sompels or the driver accountable for this tragedy, it does not serve anyone to describe the situation inaccurately.

Mr. Sompels turned east on Pierce Street from Laker Lane when he was struck by the car – I don’t know whether it was as he turned on Pierce or if he’d already completed his turn and was heading east on Pierce. Either way, however, he was riding parallel to an available sidewalk on the south side of Pierce Street installed by Campus View that runs for another several hundred feet to the east – the full length of Campus View’s property.

In other words, the absence of an available sidewalk did not contribute to this tragedy because there was one right next him on Pierce Street.

While it is certainly worth pointing out the absence of sidewalks and/or bike paths between 48th and 42nd on Pierce Street is a situation to be addressed, it is unfair and inaccurate to connect that issue to this tragedy.

Again, we in no way disagree that additional bike and/or foot paths would be welcome at GVSU but believe that is a separate issue from what happened in this instance.

Brian Gardner

Campus View