Allendale Township looks for feedback on GV-related housing issues for master plan redraft

GVL / Nathan Mehmed
Members of the Allendale planning commission at their last meeting

Nathan Mehmed

GVL / Nathan Mehmed Members of the Allendale planning commission at their last meeting

Anya Zentmeyer

The Allendale Township Planning Commission held a town hall meeting on Nov. 21 to get feedback from residents during its yearlong redraft of the 2003 master land use plan. Builders and township officials use the land use plan to help guide them in zoning decisions and location of township development.

Allendale Township gathered data from residents as well as business and property owners through an online survey that ran through early last week, asking those completing the survey to answer questions such as what they believe the most pressing issues facing Allendale Township are, where their largest concerns regarding Grand Valley State University lie and how they would make Allendale Township a better place to live.

Jerry Alkema, township supervisor, said survey results will not be available for review until later this week because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Results will help township planning commissioners decide on whether to put subdivided housing developments in the agricultural zone, and figure out where high-density student apartment complexes should be located moving forward.

When the plan is finished next year, residents will get about two months to review the $35,000 draft plan, of which the township’s Downtown Development Authority is picking up two-thirds of the rewrite cost.

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