ArtPrize: The Editor’s Picks

GVL / Kevin Sielaff  
Julie Hooker's "Resonance" consists of over 16,000 individual pieces of glass. The piece is displayed inside the second level of the Harris building. Grand Rapids' annual ArtPrize is held from Sept. 23 - Oct. 1 at various locations around the city.

Kevin Sielaff

GVL / Kevin Sielaff Julie Hooker’s “Resonance” consists of over 16,000 individual pieces of glass. The piece is displayed inside the second level of the Harris building. Grand Rapids’ annual ArtPrize is held from Sept. 23 – Oct. 1 at various locations around the city.

Bringing together art from all over the world to Grand Rapids and placing it all over the city, ArtPrize brings truly incredible art into the public eye. Over the course of 19 days, people have the opportunity to explore downtown Grand Rapids and see art they might not normally have a chance to see. Unlike most art competitions, ArtPrize involves a public vote rather than simply a vote from art-educated judges. This vote allows the public to have say in which piece is awarded the $200,000 prize. From meaningful to extravagant to just plain fun, ArtPrize is about the art that strikes the public as interesting. Therefore, the Lanthorneditors from all different sections and backgrounds have chosen their favorites from this year’s ArtPrize, as well as a few of the art-literate members among us.

The Grand Rapids Tape Drawing by The Tape Art Crew

Claire Fisher’s favorite – Arts and Entertainment Editor

This piece struck me instantly because of the colors, the comical content of giant fish swimming around Grand Rapids and how much movement you can really see in each individual fish. Upon closer inspection, I was impressed with the fact that it was created entirely using tape and how much that added texture to the scene.


Henry Matthews’ favorite – Director of galleries and collections at GVSU

I think the most interesting experience so far, has been visiting the SiTE:LAB site as the sun sets, lights come on and the rather large and Coles spaces, which includes buildings, both inside and out. It’s absolutely fascinating to experience the space, the visuals, light, history and stories presented. The whole neighborhood is involved and participates.

The Louvre Visit, Paris (Mural Painting)

Hannah Lentz’ favorite – News Editor

The intricacy of this piece is what immediately grabbed my attention. The piece focused on the artists’ visit to “The Louvre Museum” in Paris and was carved on styrofoam using a metal blade, and hot iron to add depth and dimensions to the sculptures. I was very impressed by the amount of detail that went into the piece as well as the artist’s dedication (I actually got to speak with her about her work).

In Our Element

Stephanie Brzezinski – Associate Editor

I was drawn to this piece initially because of the colors. It is very vibrant, containing various shades of blues and oranges. It reminds me of the ocean, but there is more going on. Each panel has a different painting, but they combine to make the artwork as a whole. It is very interesting, and it makes me think about what it might mean, though I’m not good at that part. I just appreciate the art for being creative and attention getting.


TJ Zimmerman’s favorite – Web Manager

For around two years now I’ve been keeping a saltwater aquarium and it’s been an awesome experience. It has also taught me about the dangerous effects that humans are having everyday on the coral reefs. So, when I saw “Resonance,” for the first time and read about its message, it really resonated with me. This beautiful stained glass piece is a must see.

As Above

Audra Gamble – Editor-in-Chief

This piece of art, in the corner of the second floor of the Grand Rapids Art Museum is so beautiful in its simplicity. The artist created the piece by dipping her hands in charcoal, and finger-painted the entire piece directly on the walls of the museum. It’s incredibly personal for her to use that technique for her entry – there is nothing more unique than someone’s fingerprints. I love how intricately designed this piece is, and I could spend hours finding new details within it. This piece is a must-see, and is part of the Top 20 Public Vote pieces for ArtPrize Seven.

Embroidery Space

Maddie Forshee – Laker Life Editor

My specific favorite is called “Embroidery Space.” This piece is super cool looking, site-specific and beautifully designed. I like that this work is simple and easy on the eyes, rather than a piece of art that is intricate or unclear or one that you have to think about. I’m all about simple aesthetics and I think that “Embroidery Space” is a beautiful and clean, but intricate piece of artwork.

Andy “Cosmic Joe” Watkins

Kevin Sielaff – Image Editor

Andy Watkins, otherwise known as “Cosmic Joe,” is a spray painting speed painter. Watkins is able to create realistic and abstract paintings in record time while also keeping the crowd engaged. His wild sense of humor and vivid imagery is what caught my eye and held my interest.


Adam Knorr – Sports Editor

Smashing things in the name of art? Count me in. Although I didn’t get to participate in the cathartic process of writing things on a plate and throwing said plate against a wall, Breakthrough had my vote for favorite the minute I heard about it. Turning frustrations into a work of art and redemption is something beautiful, and I’ll never be able to pass up a piece where destruction and throwing things is encouraged.

Inquiring Minds

Emily Frye – Assistant Image Editor

Kevin Kammeraad and Justin Haveman’s display of vantriloquism was both refreshing and witty. Their skill was brought to life Sunday afternoon on the blue bridge in downtown Grand Rapids as a crowd gathered to listen to their stories. Through the use of their dummy Mr. Tolsn, it was a show that all could enjoy.