Semester-in-review: Arts & Entertainment
Dec 14, 2020
Endangered independent venues seek government assistance to stay open
Mary Racette

Since venues shut down in March, thousands of workers have been unemployed, artists have been stripped of vital parts of their career and music lovers have been deprived of the joys of live music. If government aid is not received soon, the stages may remain dark as many independent venues will have no choice but to permanently close. (To read the rest, click here!)
Downtown art installation challenges self-portraiture
Chavala Ymker

Patrons smile as they walk through the collection of pride-flag-colored palm trees called “Tropical Realness” that stands on the corner of Monroe Center and Ottawa Avenue in downtown Grand Rapids. It somehow captures everything visitors feel at this moment: the distance and community, the hope and illusion. (To read the rest, click here!)
Four Steps Apart: Capturing the passion of the Laker Marching Band
Chavala Ymker

The Laker Marching Band (LMB) spreads across their practice field, always four steps apart, or about seven and a half feet. Each wind and brass instruments’ bell is covered in a piece of Grand Valley State University branded felt to limit the spread of aerosols that might carry dangerous viruses. (To read the rest, click here!)
The Student Reading Series provides a safe place for creativity
Allison Rafferty

The Student Reading Series is a series of events in which students have the opportunity to read some of their writing pieces in a safe and open environment. (To read the rest, click here!)
Winter 2021 course offers opportunity to explore the paranormal through art and research
Allison Rafferty

Grand Valley State University students fascinated by the paranormal, folklore and urban legends surrounding the state of Michigan have the opportunity to explore these interests through art in the course Civic Studio (ART 391) being offered in Winter 2021. (To read the rest, click here!)
Historic local women celebrated through alley activation in Downtown Grand Rapids
Mary Dupuis
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) has announced a new public space activation project created to bring new life to downtown alleyways through a celebration of historic women leaders in Grand Rapids. (To read the rest, click here!)
Opera Grand Rapids decides the show must (safely) go on
Mary Dupuis

Opera Grand Rapids will be holding their second annual Opera Week from Oct. 19-25, and the staff has a full schedule of events lined up for the city to enjoy some safe, family fun. (To read the rest, click here!)