A&E Briefs 9/13

Mary Dupuis, Arts & Entertainment Editor

GV Art Gallery will display ArtPrize pieces

This year the Grand Valley State University Art Gallery will serve as a venue for two stone sculptures for ArtPrize this Sept. 16 through Oct. 3. 

During this time Jason Quigno’s “Infinity Cube” will be displayed outside of the L.V. Eberhard Center and Jose Marcelino Valdez and Gerson Valdez-Cordon’s “Mayan Stelae Of King K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Topaat” will be on view outside of the L. William Seidman Center.

An interview with Quigno to learn more about his artistic process and the creation of “Infinity Cube” can be found on the GVSU Art Gallery’s YouTube page. 

Frederik Meijer Gardens prepares annual fall chrysanthemum exhibition

The team at Frederik Meijer Gardens is busy at work preparing the displays for their 23rd “Chrysanthemums & More!” exhibition. 

This “annual celebration of autumn” is the largest one in Michigan and will feature vast chrysanthemum displays across more than 158 acres, family-fun activities, and fall foliage. 

Made to be part art and part science, the exhibition dives into how the interplay of light and shadow transform the “Autumn Glow” theme at the park. Fall plantings are placed to explore texture and mood as their look shifts throughout the day from when they are in bright sun versus dimly lit afternoons.

Other plantings showcase the beauty of the chrysanthemum through the visions of numerous designers, including the Gardens’ horticultural staff. 

The exhibition will be on view from Sept. 17 through Oct. 31. 

Frederik Meijer Gardens to host Herb and Gourd Fest

The world of herbs and gourds is being explored through family-friendly fall events at Frederik Meijer Gardens. 

Guests are invited to come and learn the different ways to grow gourds and use herbs for the best of their healthful properties. 

Michigan Gourd Society members will also teach groups how to create gourd art using locally available supplies. Decorated gourds will be available for purchase at the event, from jewelry to vases and bowls. 

Classes taking place for the festival will be a “Decorative Gourd Bowl” class on Sept. 18 and “The Art of Herbal Teas” class on Sept. 19. 

Fees will be included with admission. 

GV RA starts “Jazz Lab” for students 

Grand Valley State University Resident Assistant Tréondris Snodgrass (RA Tré) from Pickard Living Center has created a new event for students to enjoy jazz while being productive. 

Every Monday evening from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Pickard Lobby students are invited to attend the “JAZZ LAB” hosted by RA Tré. A bluetooth speaker will be playing soft jazz for students to study, relax, or hang out with friends too. 

While some nights jazz will be playing through the speaker, RA Tré has hinted at live performances to come in the future. 

If you are a resident from a different building in Kirkpatrick, Pew, Pickard, DeVos, and Copeland (KPPDC), students are asked to reach out to RA Tré by email at [email protected] or speak to their own RA. 

Students are also encouraged to RSVP to the event on LakerLink.