Laker Life Briefs 10/31

Sabrina Edwards, Laker Life Editor

Destress with yoga

The University Counseling Center has partnered with the Recreation and Wellness Center to hold weekly yoga sessions to help students destress. This type of yoga focuses on enhancing psychological well-being which encourages improved concentration and mental clarity.

The yoga will take place in the dance studio in the Fieldhouse room 160. This event is held every Monday until Dec. 19.

Spend Halloween with a mentalist

On Monday night there will be a mentalist on campus.

Students can spend their Halloween night at this show in the Grand River Room in Kirkhof Center performed by Noah Sonie. It will combine both hypnosis and magic into a mixture that Sonie calls “HYPE.”

Hype is curated by Sonie, a full-time performer from Minnesota. There will be magic tricks, mind reading and hypnosis sessions. The show is fast-paced and set to specific playlists made by Sonie.

HYPE will start at 7 p.m. and run until 9 p.m. The show is free to anyone who wants to attend.

Play Geoguesser with the Chinese Club

The Chinese Club is meeting to continue their Geoguesser event on Tuesday, Nov. 1.

The group will be meeting in the Language Resource Center (LRC), which is located on the second floor of Mackinac Hall. There will be various pictures of China displayed and it’s up to the guesser to try and figure out where it is located on a map. It is a competition and the winner will be the one who can guess the closest to the actual location.

The group will be meeting at 6 p.m. in the LRC, the event will last until 7:30 p.m.

Donate to Kids Food Basket

On Tuesday Women in Business (WIB) is hosting a service event to help donate to Kids Food Basket.

The group will be decorating bags and taking food donations as well as making holiday cards.

One of the main activities at the event will be putting together “sack suppers” which are well-rounded evening meals. The meals include fruit, vegetables, protein and a variety of healthy snacks. WIB is looking to collect non-perishables to put in the meals. This could be fruit cups or pouches,  pudding cups, meat sticks like Slim Jims and 8LB or XL brown paper bags. Any brand of food is accepted, but the group does ask for items without peanuts or tree nuts on the ingredients list so they don’t serve something children could be allergic to.

The drive will take place in the Seidman Forum on Grand Valley’s Pew Campus from 5 to 6 p.m.