Laker Life Briefs 11/21

Sabrina Edwards, Laker Life Editor

Get information about Alternative Breaks

Over spring break this year Alternative Breaks is sending students on five service trips.

These are low-cost trips, ranging from $150 to $250 total including food, travel and housing.

Students that attend will be able to get 40 hours of community service done in one week. The trips are on environmental or social topics, and their goal is to help students get information to bring back to their home communities.

The information meeting is Monday, Nov. 21 from noon to 3 p.m. Those who attend the meeting can get free stickers and candy, and there will be t-shirts available for $1.

The meeting will be at the clocktower and is the last information session of the semester.

For questions before or after the event, students are welcome to email [email protected] or [email protected].

Study abroad in Australia

On Monday there will be an information session for students interested in studying abroad in Australia. The session will start at noon and run until 1 p.m.

Students that attend will get information about life in Australia as well as the GVSU’s partner universities, those being University Sunshine Coast or Macquarie University in Sydney.

For more information, students are encouraged to email [email protected].

Destress with yoga

On Monday, Nov. 21, students can participate in yoga to help target stress and burnout.

This is a collaborative event with the Counseling Center and Recreation and Wellness.

The session will emphasize mind and body connectedness targeting postures, movement and meditation. It will also focus on enhancing psychological wellbeing to encourage concentration and mental clarity, increased emotional stability and reduced stress and anxiety.

This is being held in the Fieldhouse Arena dance studio, room 160 and is reoccurring. It will start back up again on the Monday after Thanksgiving break.

The last yoga class for the fall semester will be Dec. 19.

Thanksgiving at GVSU

On Monday GVSU students can get a Thanksgiving meal at the Dish in Kleiner. Food will be served from 4-8 p.m.

There will be another chance to have a Thanksgiving meal on campus on Tuesday Nov. 22. Food will be served at the DeVos campus in the Plaza Cafe from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

All of the menus will be posted on the Laker Food Co. Instagram page @GVSUFood.