Arts Briefs
Oct 7, 2015
Arts Briefs
Different Waters
A new exhibition began on Monday in the Red Wall Gallery in Lake Ontario Hall. The exhibition, named “Different Waters: Thirty Years in the Western Amazon”, was curated by GVSU professor Jim Penn over the past 30 years. Penn traveled to the Loreto Region in Peru multiple times over the years, taking part in different programs about wildlife research and natural resource management to things like community development and human rights work. The region that Penn photographed takes up one third of Peru and shows a side of the country that is not photographed very often. The exhibition documents the struggles, growth and turmoil of the ever-moving water of the river and will run through the end of the semester.
Queer the Air
In celebration of “National Coming Out Day”, the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center is hosting Queer the Air on Monday, Oct. 12 at 9 p.m in the Resource Center. The event will comprise of spoken word poetry and open mic. Attendees of the event are invited to get up on stage or just sit, listen and enjoy their night. To register to perform at Queer the Air, visit
Frederik Meijer Lecture Series
On Oct. 13, the Frederik Meijer Lecture Series will continue with its next installment, “A Conversation with Nancy Hickey”. Hickey, a retired Steelcase executive, will be talking about her time at Steelcase as chief administrative officer. Her duties included a variety of global corporate functions like corporate communications, community relations, talent management, information technology and sustainability. Hickey also managed global business centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Monterrey, Mexico and Cluj, Romania. The event will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Loosemore Auditorium in the DeVos Center. For more information and to register for the event, visit
Faculty Tuba Recital
Tonight at 7:30 p.m., there will be a faculty tuba recital in the SVS Recital Hall in the Performing Arts Center. The recital will be performed by professor Paul Carlson.
ArtPrize Awards
The seventh annual ArtPrize Awards will take place on Oct. 9 beginning at 7 p.m. The event, which takes place at the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, will run concurrently with the WOOD TV8 community watch party covering the event at Rosa Parks Circle. The community watch party will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will have food vendors and local breweries offering fare for visitors. There will be live music performed by Kalamazoo native and American Idol finalist Matt Giraud before the winners announcements commence.
The Killing Jar
This weekend is the last chance to catch The Killing Jar performed at the Dog Story Theater in downtown Grand Rapids. The play is a tragic romance set in early Victorian London that follows a young man’s spiral into madness and violence. The Killing Jar is dark but funny and unique due to its original style and quality. The show will begin at 8 p.m. on Oct. 9 and Oct. 10. For more information and tickets, visit