Panel discussion to explore clean energy development at GV’s MAREC

Tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Grand Valley State University’s Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center in Muskegon at 200 Viridian in the downtown on the Muskegon Lake waterfront.

Tuesday’s round table will feature BlueGreen Alliance representative Make Schauer, a former southern Michigan member of Congress; Dan Fingas, Michigan’s representative for Laborers International Union of North America and MAREC director Arn Boezaart.

Presented by the Sierra Club, the BlueGreen Aliiance and Yes to West Michigan Power, a Muskegon-based pro-wind developement group, the free public event will discuss how clean energy development can bring jobs to a community and at the same time improve the environment.

For more information, contact the Sierra Club’s Tiffany Hartung at (231)-747-7489 or GVSU’s MAREC office at (616)-331-6900.