News Briefs

GVL Staff

‘That Takes Ovaries’ accepting submissions

The Women’s Center at Grand Valley State University is looking for story submissions for the production of “That Takes Ovaries.” All submitted stories of should be real-life experiences of women acting boldly in an adversity situation.

The deadline for the story submissions is Tuesday. All submissions should be sent to [email protected].

Niece of Martin Luther King Jr. to speak at GV

GVSU will host Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr., on Thursday to speak about abortion in the black community.

King’s program, “How can the Dream Survive?” will address the discrepancy between the number of blacks living in a community and the amount of abortion clinics available to them. She will also discuss the possible reasons for the disparity and how the rate of abortions will affect the ongoing civil rights movements.

The program begins at 10 a.m. in the Grand River Room of the Kirkhof Center.

Free food will be provided for those in attendance.

GV awarded Public University System of the Year

The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars awarded Grand Valley State University the Public University System of the Year in Washington, D.C.

More than 10 GVSU students attend programs at The Washington Center in a typical year.

GVSU assistant professor Don Zinman went to the nation’s capital to receive the award.

Participation in the internship program is open to all students in any major.