Renowned speakers to give commencement adresses

Courtesy Photo /
Norman Mineta, former Secretary of Transportation will be speaking at the commencement ceremonies.

Courtesy Photo / Norman Mineta, former Secretary of Transportation will be speaking at the commencement ceremonies.

Anya Zentmeyer

A former U.S. Cabinet member and the president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have something in common: they have both been chosen to address Grand Valley State University graduates at the 2011 winter commencement ceremonies, which will be held on April 30.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute president Shirley Ann Jackson will address morning graduates followed by former Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta in the afternoon.

Jackson acted as chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and held a number of other highly-regarded positions in industry, research and higher education. After being named president of RPI in 1999, she was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2009 to serve on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

Mineta, who now serves as global vice-chairman of international communications Consultancy Hill & Knowlton, was appointed secretary of transportation in 2001 by former President George W. Bush. During his tenure, Mineta helped establish the largest mobilization of a new federal agency since World War II with the creation of the Transportation Security Administration.

Teri Losey, secretary to the Board of Trustees and special assistant to the president, said both speakers were recommended to the Board of Trustees by president Thomas J. Haas, who has worked with Jackson in the past and has a great deal of respect for Mineta for his role in the Bush administration during Sept. 11.

“Mostly because of Grand Valley’s 50th anniversary, administration felt like they wanted some distinguished speakers,” Losey said. “So the president recommended a couple of people we thought were very distinguished and important for our parents and students to hear from.”

Since approved by the Board of Trustees, both speakers will also receive an honorary degree from GVSU.
The 10 a.m. ceremony will include the College of Community and Public Service, Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, College of Health Professions, Kirkhof College of Nursing and Seidman College of Business.

The 3 p.m. ceremony will include the College of Education, Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Honorary degrees will be given to Robert Thompson, president of the Thompson Foundation and CEO of McCoig, LLC. and former military intelligence officer Donald Merkle, who donated his collection of U.S. intelligence materials to GVSU’s special collections library earlier this year.
More information about 2011 winter commencement can be found online at

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