Assault reports on Allendale Campus recanted

Anya Zentmeyer

A Grand Valley State University student who reported an attempted sexual assault on the Allendale Campus Wednesday night has since recanted her allegations, university officials said Friday.

The Grand Valley Police Department responded to a report by a female student who said she had been crossing the Little Mac Bridge to return to her on-campus housing unit around 11 p.m. Wednesday when she said an unknown male emerged from the bushes near the bridge and grabbed her, holding her against her will and attempting to remove her clothes.

The student told police she kicked the assailant in the groin and managed to escape his hold and then ran to the North Campus housing units and reported that the assailant did not pursue her.

This report and subsequent recant follows another recanted report of sexual assault at the same location two weeks prior.

GVPD was not available to comment on the recanted reports at this time.

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