GV students set New Year’s resolutions for 2023

Zoë Murphy, Staff Writer

Resolutions for the New Year usually have to do with bettering oneself in some way, whether it be mentally, physically or undergoing a lifestyle change. Commonly, people aim to work out more, eat cleaner, have less screen time or spend more time with friends and family.

Many students and staff at Grand Valley State University have set new goals for 2023.

“I want to start working out consistently,” said Lexi Geraci, a staff member at the Kelly Sports Center. “I want to obtain a routine and overall be nicer to myself.”

With the increased concern for mental health awareness in the United States and other countries, New Year’s resolutions focus on more mentality-based goals rather than physical ones. A recent survey conducted by Forbes Health found that close to 50% of Gen Z respondents said “improving mental health” is a part of their New Year’s resolution. 

“I would say my New Year’s resolution is to be more optimistic,” said Kyleigh Valentine, a third-year student at GVSU.  “(I want to) look at the bright side of things and not always expect things to go wrong.” 

Although New Year’s resolutions are wildly popular, they are not a new concept. According to research, the ancient Babylonians were the first people to come up with New Year’s resolutions and are noted to be the first to hold recorded celebrations of the new year. This tradition has been carried on as many people see the new year as an opportunity for progress.

New Year’s resolutions can take effect in many ways. Valentine said her resolutions have changed because of personal growth. She said in the past, her resolutions weren’t always so emotional and deep. 

“Most of the time they’re not that serious,” Valentine said. “Last year’s resolution was that I wanted to get a full arm sleeve of tattoos and I did that. So normally, they’re not that sentimental and based on self-improvement.”

Resolutions can vary widely from person to person. 

According to Western Governors University, the top six New Year’s resolutions for college students in 2021 were to focus on learning and not just grades, find ways to save money for tuition, create a good balance between education and living, ask experts for help, eat healthier, get better sleep and take classes that will lead to a dream job.  

As the GVSU community takes their goals into the new year and semester, resolutions can potentially lead to healthier habits.