The Division of Inclusion and Equity at Grand Valley State University announced last week in an email newsletter that the current Title IX Coordinator, Kevin Carmody, Ph.D., will be taking a temporary medical leave of absence.
As Carmody’s replacement, current Associate Vice President for Inclusion and Equity Kathleen VanderVeen, Ph.D., will be taking over the interim Title IX Coordinator position. VanderVeen’s previous experiences with this office and similar positions in the past allow her to fulfill Carmody’s position in his absence.
The Title IX office handles complaints of sexual harassment, assault and other gender-based discrimination within the GVSU community. The office offers resources, support and remedies when applicable.
Jesse Bernal, Vice President for Inclusion and Equity at GVSU said the Title IX office is an integral part of campus operations.
“The Title IX office at GVSU is crucial for ensuring a safe and non-discriminatory environment,” Bernal said. “It enforces Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination.”
Bernal is confident about VanderVeen’s ability to occupy the role. He believes an interim role is imperative to keep things running as smooth as possible.
“(In order) to provide more support and build greater capacity, the university has appointed Dr. VanderVeen as acting coordinator,” Bernal said. “Dr. VanderVeen has previously served in this role during transitions and is extensively trained.”

The Title IX office keeps the university up to date with sensitivity and inclusion policies as they relate to gender. Its main goal is to make the university an inclusive and hospitable place for everyone. The office follows the guidelines of the Title IX law, which keeps students and staff in mind when it comes to sex-based inclusivity.
“The office also raises awareness, provides educational programs and trains the university community on Title IX rights and responsibilities,” Bernal said.
VanderVeen was in charge of a similar objective in her previous position, supporting the university’s compliance areas as a deputy in the Division of Inclusion and Equity. Bernal expects the university to use every resource at their disposal in order to ensure the successful transition of VanderVeen into the role of Title IX Coordinator.
“She (VaderVeen) provides guidance and backup support for various functions, including ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance, campus climate and diversity planning,” Bernal said. “The Title IX office also has two deputy coordinators who manage day-to-day operations and will continue to lead during this transition. Additionally, the university can seek outside support from ATIXA (Association of Title IX Administrators), a national leader in Title IX in higher education, for additional guidance.”
VanderVeen said she is excited about the role and is ready to get to work. She believes the transition will be smooth, especially given all the support staff in the office have given her.
“My role is to ensure we stay in compliance with all of our federal and state regulations pertaining to Title IX,” VanderVeen said. “We have a strong team in place and my goal is maintaining an environment that is safe and non-discriminatory for the GVSU community.”
VanderVeen will use her previous roles as a resource in her new temporary position. She hopes for continued success as interim Title IX Coordinator.
“I will also draw from my training in Title IX, as well as my years of experience in other areas of civil rights compliance,” VanderVeen said.
For more information on the Title IX office, resources and the coordinator role, people can visit the Title IX page on the GVSU website.