From the Editor: We’re going digital until next semester, but coverage won’t stop

Nov 16, 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic and remote learning post-Thanksgiving, the Lanthorn will be moving to online-only coverage for the rest of the fall 2020 semester. Despite that, we will cap the semester with our traditional Semester in Review issue, which will be published online alongside the rest of our reporting.
Throughout the semester, our newsroom has gone through some shifts to continue to deliver news in a way that feels normal to readers, but requires significant adjustments from our team. But much like the rest of the world, we will be changing further and shifting to an entirety-virtual product in accordance with the University shift to remote learning after Thanksgiving in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
This will definitely be challenging for us. The newsroom is a collaborative space with rapid commenting, editing and product creation that is imperative on some physical presence. While we have utilized a hybrid model throughout the semester, we owe it to our team to keep each other safe from the virus and we owe it to our readers to continue to provide news in as accessible of a way as possible.
To make it clear, this shift does not mean you will see a drop in our coverage, as we will continue to provide the quality content that you, our dear readers, truly deserve.
This virtual shift gives us a little bit more creative freedom, as we will be experimenting with new formats and different kinds of content, including more long-form stories, investigative work and the production of podcasts recapping the news from the previous week.
We’re also taking this time to reflect on our audience, and encourage a two-way conversation on how we can best serve the campus community. At this point in our history, rebuilding trust in the media is as important as ever.
Our emails are available on our website and we encourage dialogue to ensure our coverage is hitting the mark.
To keep up with news that is for students, by students, visit our website and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. We’ll see you in print next semester, GVSU.