Not enough

The most important part of the Battle of the Valleys competition, which begins today, is not the glory of yet another football victory, but the impact of the funds both universities raise for the charities of their choice.

While an eighth-consecutive football victory for the Lakers would be thrilling for the team’s many fans, as well as a necessity for a playoff appearance, what the universities accomplish off the field has a far greater impact.

If every one of GVSU’s 26,647 students, faculty and staff members were to donate just $2 — the cost of a large brewed coffee at Java City — the university would raise more than $53,000 to donate to this year’s charity, the Make a Wish Foundation.

Last year, Saginaw Valley destroyed GVSU in the fundraising portion of the competition, raising $40,088 for the Salvation Army of Saginaw County compared to the paltry $12,500 that GVSU raised for the Student Advancement Foundation.

This year, we cannot afford that kind of loss, and neither can our community. Part of the magic of BOTV is that it includes something for everybody. Sports enthusiasts can engross themselves in the game, while everybody else gets an easy opportunity to support a good cause.

Giving money to charity will almost never be easier than during BOTV, when contribution spots are set up across campus and you can donate money during on-campus food transactions, so spare a buck or two. Every dollar counts.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

  • Donate online at
  • Find an on-campus contribution spot or visit the Student Senate office
  • Attend and contribute at any Battle of the Valleys event
  • Donate a dollar while purchasing a meal at any on-campus food location
  • Buy a BOTV shirt, on sale for $10 this week at the Kirkhof Center
  • Go to Peppino’s and present a BOTV flyer (available online) to the server and 15 percent of the bill will go to BOTV