By publishing this article, you are going against everything this school stands for
Dec 8, 2011
Hi. I am Alanna Cohen and I am a junior here at Grand Valley. I picked up today’s issue of the Lanthorn and was so disturbed by an article in it that I will never pick up another copy of this paper again. An article written by Chris Slattery titled “There is only room for one holiday” was in it and I cannot believe this article was approved. As a Jewish student on this campus, I have never felt outcasted or like I did not belong, until after I read this article. But after reading this article, I am disgusted that you would think it is okay to publish it. While I understand it is an editorial and someones opinion, it singles out certain groups on campus and makes them feel unwelcome and frankly uncomfortable and pissed off. I am in such shock and disbelief that this was published and I am EXTREMELY offended. I can not speak for the rest of my Jewish friends on campus, but this is truly disgusting. GVSU prides itself on being open to all people, no matter what race, religion, sexual orientation or what have you. By publishing this article, you are going against everything this school stands for. I now feel singled out on campus. I immediately began crying after reading this article and I know others who have been just as offended as I am. I just wanted to call this to your attention.