Dec 1, 2014
Do you think the GVSU campuses are well lit?
Hailey Spell “For the most part, yeah. I don’t have any problems spotting my car at night.” sophomore, education, Wyoming, Mich.
Amarachi Nnebedum “No, I think that the blue Mac bridge is not, near Fresh.” senior, biopsychology, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Kevin Souders “Yes, I feel safe when I walk home.” sophomore, mechanical engineering, Saline, Mich.
Josiah Owens “Yeah, I feel like they are. Any places that aren’t well lit are places people don’t really go.” junior, public administration and nonprofit organization, Lansing, Mich.
Jamie Bott “Moderately so. I think places not near the library or Kirkhof aren’t.” graduate student, physical therapy, Traverse City, Mich.