Celebrating the arrival of spring

Celebrating the arrival of spring

Kelly Smith

After another cold winter, we’re all looking forward for the warm weather to be among us again – when we can go outside without a coat, play with a Frisbee or simply just relax during free time. Although the weather outside is still on the chilly side, the warmer weather is definitely on the way. It’s only a matter of time before we can all return to the refreshing activities we took part in at the start of the school year.

Probably my favorite part of spring and summer is being able to ride my bike or just simply walk. We have a beautiful campus here and it’s nice to be able to see it flourishing fully. I find these walks very relaxing, whether I’m just walking or riding or if I’m listening to music, and it certainly does help in relieving stress sometimes. Now, I’m not one to serve as prime example of these things, but we’ve all heard it from a teacher or professor before and I definitely find it to be true – taking a walk is a great way to relieve stress.

After two articles touching on this topic, it’s worth noting that another great thing about warm weather is that the roads are not as dangerous as they were. This means less stress while on the road! I won’t bother going into detail about everything that’s better, but I will note that it’ll be nice not having to worry about slipping on ice on my way to class anymore.

And, of course, who could forget about the fact that warm weather signals the incoming arrival of summer vacation – unless, of course, you’re taking summer classes. What better way to celebrate the completion of a (hopefully) great school year with the perfectly suitable weather. Go to a lake, go to an amusement park, go on a week-long vacation if you can afford it. There’s always a means to celebrate your academic accomplishments.

As long as I’m the topic of celebration, I do want to say one thing. Although I have no authority over anybody, there’s always people who will go out and drink. All I can say is to not do anything stupid. You’ve heard it countless times, I’m sure – the dangers of drinking and driving, excessive drinking, etc. As a friendly piece of advice, just don’t do anything you’ll regret later.

This is spring and soon-to-be summer we’re looking at. It’s a time of having fun outdoors. Once the warm weather finally gets here, go out and enjoy it – however you choose to do so. It’s a great way to allow your mind to wander, think things through and to spend quality relaxing time, especially during finals week. You can even study outside. It doesn’t matter.

What’s important is we have all made it past the large obstacle that is the cold and dangerous wintery weather, and now is the time to not only enjoy the return of warm weather, but also use it to our advantage. 

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