Trouble with technology

Jessica Hodge

Everything seems much easier with the advanced technology we have today, but there are many problems lurking behind the iPhone, Droid and MacBook craze.

Nowadays, it is uncommon to see someone without a smart phone; they make life just that much easier. You can plan dates and appointments within a matter of seconds, the Internet is just a click away and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all there at your fingertips. But what issues does this cause? Some would say only a few while others argue that it is completely destroying a teenager’s communication and social skills. I think we’re somewhere between those two extremes.

One of my professors just told the class that the top complaint of employers about recent college graduates was their inability to write correctly and professionally. How did someone go to school for four years, spend a lot of money to get a degree and still not be able to write properly? As a writing major, it blew my mind.

But then I thought about it; everyone is used to having their phones and computers auto-correct their spelling and tell them exactly what they’re doing wrong. The kids growing up with iPhones won’t know how to write on paper the right way. They won’t know how to spell because they’ll be used to their phones doing it for them. There are some eight and nine year olds that I see walking around with phones. What could they possibly need a phone for? Yes, I think it will hinder their communication skills greatly, but no I don’t think their skills will be completely destroyed.

The real concern is out in the ‘real-world’ is when you realize that no one will correct your mistakes for you and it is your responsibility to know how to properly speak and address someone. If you are asked to write an email for the company you work for, starting it off with “hey mr smith i am with the company that does ur cable” is a surefire way to get fired.

Now, the social concern pertains more for us college kids. Instead of socializing and talking to one another, we sit with our faces buried into our screens and ignore the outside world. You could have been sitting next to your soul mate in chemistry class or your new best friend in English class, but instead we choose to do what is comfortable which is look down and ignore people.

It is also disgusting, in my opinion, how people have an issue putting their phones away for a 50-minute class. Really, are you that attached to your phone? It blows my mind because we pay thousands of dollars to be here and to learn something, and you’re basically throwing that money out the window if you don’t pay attention.

Yes, I agree that phones are great, but the problems people have with them outweigh the good. I dare you to let go of your phone and make a new friend today, it’s easier than you think and way more fun than Facebook.