Welcome from the President

Courtesy Photo/Amanda Pitts
President Thomas Haas greets students with free Ice Cream during Move-In Week.

Courtesy photo

Courtesy Photo/Amanda Pitts President Thomas Haas greets students with free Ice Cream during Move-In Week.

Welcome to Grand Valley
State University! We are honored to have you join the Laker Nation, a community
that has just one goal – your success. No matter who you meet among our faculty and staff know that they are here because they made the choice to be part of a university that puts students first. Whether you are looking for directions, wondering about a class selection, or want to respond to a greeting from a friendly face, do not hesitate to speak up; that is why we are here.
What can students do (and not do) to ensure their success?
I have some suggestions:
(1) Get to know your professors.
Stay a moment after class to say hello. After I teach I enjoy staying and visiting with my students.
Our faculty are passionate about their subjects and about teaching. The more you put into a class the more you will get out of it. The more you understand the better your grade is likely to be.
(2) Don’t skip class. Do homework.
Get your assignments in on time. If you don’t understand something, speak up in class or visit your professor during office hours. There are no dumb questions.
(3) If you are living on campus,
develop friendships in addition
to your roommates. There is strength in numbers. Sometimes this can feel awkward, but remember
that everyone you meet is in the same boat.
(4) Join a club. We have more than 300 groups, clubs and organizations.
Find one that meshes with your interests. If you don’t see a club that fits, start one. That’s how all our student organizations
came to be. Get to know the folks in the Student Life Office
and at the Information Desk in the Kirkhof Student Center. Don’t miss Campus Life night on Tuesday, Sept. 6 from 7-9 p.m. in the Fieldhouse.
(5) Be sure to attend
the first home football
game on Thursday evening. The camaraderie in the student section is contagious.
(6) If you are not of age, don’t drink. Ottawa County’s sheriff, prosecutor, and judges are among the state’s most vigilant enforcers of alcohol laws. It goes without saying that illegal drugs are, in fact, illegal. Don’t run the risk of getting a police record. It can limit your career options, to your later considerable regret.
(7) Stay healthy. Eat well. Get on an exercise routine at the Student
Recreation Center. Join an intramural team or club sport.
(8) If you want or need to work, apply for a job on campus.
You’ll develop a network of friends. At Grand Valley, the students I know best work in my office.
(9) The transition from high school to college is one of the most significant events in your life. Make the most of it. At times, you may feel uneasy – it’s a natural reaction to a new environment.
If your concerns grow beyond unease, our Counseling Center is here to help. So is everyone
on our faculty and staff. Don’t be embarrassed to reach out.
Our students are among the state’s very best. We know that you had many college choices, and my colleagues and I are proud that you made the choice to attend Grand Valley.
Very respectfully,
Thomas J. Haas