The basics of respect

Kelly Smith

In my free time, I often watch Youtubers like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye because it helps me relieve stress and get a good laugh sometimes. One day, I noticed that Markiplier had recently posted a video talking about respect in society, not any certain kind of respect, but a very basic respect for others. which he notes is being lost in today’s society. In the video, simply titled RESPECT, he says, “…people have an automatic tendency to assume that if someone is disagreeing with someone, they are their enemy, and they’re inherently bad and they should be fought. But you can disagree with someone and still respect them.” Strong words, Mark.

I’m won’t act like I’ve never treated someone unfairly. I’m sure we all have at some point. We say things we shouldn’t, we do things we shouldn’t, we feel things shouldn’t, and it often ends up affecting someone else in a negative way. As an introvert, I don’t go out too much, but when I am spending time with friends or family, I like to apply a sense of humor to the conversation to help keep the mood light and enjoyable. Unfortunately, there have been times where that sense of humor has gone a little too far and I have to take step back and re-examine my humor.

Unfortunately, not every example is as minor. There’s examples of stereotypes, racism, and slander everywhere. Despite segregation no longer being allowed, it still happens everywhere. My grandmother brought this up to me a few times, saying how it seems it’s getting even worse in some areas.

And it’s not just race. Ethnicity is another big example. Have you seen the video of the man who was removed from a kindergarten concert for shouting “English only! USA!” when the Spanish translator got up? What about the one with the older woman at IHOP who basically accused a Spanish-speaking mother and son as being acquainted with some kind of Spanish Nazism? And these just involve Spanish-speakers! There’s still a whole world to stereotype!

But this isn’t just another anti-stereotype or anti-judging message you’ve heard many times. I’m branching off of Markiplier’s point. We’re all human, and we all do stupid things sometimes. When we have an opinion or thought about something, it’s easy to be defensive about it and view anyone who thinks differently as an opponent, and we decide that it’s time for a competition to see who’s smart and who’s stupid. No. In the case of opinionated matters, someone else having a different thought or suggestion of their own doesn’t warrant any aggression on your part.

But even in non-opinion matters, where someone actually is right or wrong, the person who is wrong should still be respected, because we’re all right and wrong at times. When we correct someone, it should be for the sake of correction, not just so we can gloat in the fact that we’re right. And I know from personal experience that that can be difficult sometimes.

People are people, just as you are, and that doesn’t change just because they say or do something that you don’t like or agree with. Regardless of how they affect you, they should still be treated with a firm respect, not only as another college student, but simply as a fellow human being.