Study tips *PRINT ONLY*

Headline: Finals week study tips

Finals week is finally upon us, and with that, so is the end of the winter semester. Thinking about summer temperatures (hopefully) soon approaching can be exciting, but the promise of free time and sunshine can also be incredibly distracting. Below is a list of tips to keep your mind on track to knock out finals this upcoming week and finish your semester strong.

1. Study. This may seem like an obvious tip, but that doesn’t make it any less important to follow. Studying is crucial before you go to take an exam; you never want to find yourself unprepared, especially for finals that tend to be worth a significant chunk of your course grade. Helpful study methods include making yourself a study guide, creating flashcards, reviewing old assignments and/or studying with a group. Always start your studying early, too, to allow yourself time to ask questions and get through more challenging material.

2. Sleep. This sounds a little too good to be true. Who has time for sleep during finals week? Well, studies have proven that sleep is largely beneficial when it comes to memory retention and learning. In other words, don’t try to cram all of your studying into an all-nighter session or you’ll regret it. If you are at all sleep-deprived at the time of a test, you’ll be less likely to recall information as your mental stamina is low. Catch some Z’s so you can get that A. 

3. Eat right. What you eat can have a huge impact on how you perform on your exams. If you are feeding your brain, you need to feed your body, too, and that means eating right. As you’ve probably heard many times, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also, however, the easiest meal to skip. During exam week, make sure you prioritize your morning food intake; eating protein-rich foods like eggs or yogurt can keep you feeling full longer. Also be sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated and alert. 

4. Exercise. Exercising can be extremely helpful when it comes to exam preparation. Not only does physical activity increase your overall awareness, but it also releases endorphins in your body that reduce stress. Who doesn’t need a bit of stress reduction during finals week? You may choose to exercise right before an exam to stimulate your mind or toward the end of a long day to get a good night’s sleep. 

5. Minimize distractions. You don’t need to hide away to study, but be smart about where you choose to get your work done. Hanging out with a group of friends who don’t have the same task list as you can prove detrimental to your study plans. Heading somewhere like the library to study is a good option; there, you can find a quiet spot to crank out work with few distractions. Not to mention, the library also offers extended hours during exam week to accommodate students’ finals needs. 

6. Take breaks. Nonstop studying for an entire week (or perhaps even longer) can be both mentally and physically exhausting. Tacking on exams to an already jam-packed schedule full of work and other things is not easy for any student. This is why it is so important to take breaks during finals week. It does, however, require a little bit of scheduling in advance to ensure that all of your work gets done on time. Schedule in a break every few hours to enjoy some peace and unwind in whatever way you so choose.