GVSU Meijer campus to welcome best-selling author

Zoe Ferraris, an award-winning and best-selling author, will speak at the Grand Valley Meijer Campus in Holland on her books and her experiences living abroad. Ferraris, whose family lives in Holland, moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia after the first Gulf War, where she found the inspiration for her first novel “Finding Nouf,” the follow-up novel “City of Veils,” and her third book “Kingdom of Strangers.”
The event is sponsored by the Grand Valley State University Women’s Center, the Center for Women in Transition and the Woman’s Advisory Network. The event, which will be held July 25 from 3:30 p.m. until 5 p.m., is free and open to the public. RSVP to Jo Ann Wassenaar in the Women’s Center at [email protected] or (616) 331-2748.