Senate briefs PRINT ONLY

Student senate appropriations funding board meeting report for the week of Monday, Feb. 20.

Event funding:

The Pre-Pharmacy Association requested $100 for their Pre-Pharmacy Association event in Padnos Room 207. The events are happening Tuesday, Feb. 28, Tuesday, March 14, Tuesday, March 28 and Tuesday April 11 at 9 p.m. They received $50.

The Righteous Movement requested $1,000 for their Righteous GVSU event Friday, March 24 and Friday, April 14 at 7 p.m. in the Pere Marquette Room. They received $1,000. 

The Latino Student Union requested $2,781 for their Winter Dinner Dance Friday, March 24 at 8 p.m. in the Grand River Room. They received $2,621.

The International Students Association requested $4,198 for their Sexy Accents Night Thursday, March 23 at 6 p.m. in the Grand River Room. They received $4,214.

Travel funding:

Circle K International  requested $1,600 to travel to the Michigan District Convention in Detroit. They received $900.

The American Marketing Association requested $1,575 to travel to the Great Lakers Motorcoach event in Detroit. They received $0.

The National Science Teachers Association requested $1098.50 to travel to the Novi Conference in Novi, Michigan. They received $385.72.

The Catholic Student Ministries requested $1,800 to travel to the CSM Winter Semester Retreat in Twin Lake, Michigan. They received $975.

Next appropriations meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 4:30 p.m.

Next cultural funding board meeting: TBA