GV expert: Great Lakes wind energy closer to reality

GVL Staff

The director of Grand Valley State University’s Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center, Arn Boezaart, participated in an announcement Friday by the Obama Administration about the steps planned toward offshore wind development in the Great Lakes.

Gov. Rick Snyder announced today that Michigan will join four other Great Lakes states and federal agencies in an agreement designed to outline requirements for, and promote offshore wind energy research in the lakes.

“The federal government is serious about moving forward to prepare offshore wind efforts in the Great Lakes,” Boezaart said. “This is another step on the trail to see this technology become a reality.”

Grand Valley began researching the potential of offshore wind energy last year with the launch of the Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Assessment. The study includes an eight-ton, 20-by-10 foot boat-shaped structure that measures wind characteristics above the water using advanced wind sensor technology.