What is your most vivid memory from 9/11?

“My mom was scared because my aunt and uncle lived in New York and were in the city when it happened. They ended up moving to Connecticut after 9/11.” 

Sarah Barton



Rockford, MI

“I lived in Dallas, TX at the time. My mom came to my school and picked me up. She thought they [terrorists] were targeting bigger cities, and that Dallas would be next. We ended up going to a friend’s house in Longview.”

Tierney Tubergen



Rockford, MI

“I was in first grade. My teacher explained to our class that something terrible had happened and that the school was sending us home for the day.”

Mackenzie Dunn


International Business

Rockford, MI

“I remember being in my classroom in kindergarten. The television was on and teachers were walking in and out of the classroom. The lights were turned off and we were having serious quiet time.”

Levi Ryfak


Secondary Education

Middleview, MI

“I was in kindergarten and school was dismissed early. Parents rushed over to pick their kids up.  We were wondering what was going on and why we left early.”

Toriana Miller



Las Vegas, NV