Senate column *Print ONLY*

Beth Hopkins

Headline: Laker organization leadership council coming soon to GV

By: Beth Hopkins, student senate vice president of campus affairs committee

[email protected]

Since last semester, the student senate campus affairs committee has been working on a project to fix issues and problems on campus related to student organizations. Vice president of campus affairs Beth Hopkins and senator Jonathan Bowman have been working hard to get an overarching council up and running to give student organizations an outlet to work collectively to solve problems. 

At Grand Valley State University, there are so many different options when it comes to student organizations, but sometimes it is hard for them to work together. Many organizations put on similar events and fundraisers and are not maximizing their ability to reach students. There is a constant abundance of programs, and it can be difficult for students to navigate what is going on and who is putting on what. The new council attempts to address these issues.

Called the Laker Organization Leadership Council (LOLC), the board will be made up of ambassadors of different student organizations. Each organization will have the opportunity to apply for an ambassador position through the OrgSync form on student senate’s portal. Organizations selected will be given a two-year membership. With membership, organizations get several benefits outside of the increased communication and campus knowledge. Benefits include the ability to attend both Campus Life Nights without attending Ignite or Ignite 2.0, on-demand office hours with student senate’s vice president of finance to address any funding request concerns, and coming next fall, a line item on student senate’s agenda where member organizations can have the ability to discuss concerns with the general senate body. 

Dean of Students Eileen Sullivan has also expressed interest in meeting with student leaders on campus, and ambassadors of member organizations will have the ability to meet with her as well. Greek Life Council will be invited to apply on behalf of all Greek organizations.

The LOLC will meet twice a semester going forward, and member organizations will be contacted about first meeting dates. The first meeting will include a general discussion on the 2017-2018 student organization budget and on the new funding rules being proposed by the student senate vice president of finance. Member organizations will be given the opportunity to comment on each of these items.

Through this council, the opportunity to create real change and enable collaboration exists. If you want to be a part of this unique opportunity, please don’t hesitate to apply! Look out for the application soon.