GVSU reinstalls pendulum

Ryan Jarvi

The pendulum that put Grand Valley State University in the international limelight for its viral imitations of Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” music video was reinstalled Tuesday morning.

Tim Thimmesch, associate vice president for Facilities Services, said the reinstallation project will cost somewhere between $25,000 to $30,000 when it’s all completed, which is expected by Dec. 6 pending weather issues.

The art exhibit was removed from its original site near the Padnos Hall of Science on Sept. 16 after videos and photos of students riding the pendulum went viral online.

Repairs to the pendulum’s harness, cable and spike had to be completed off-campus, and the entire piece was returned to GVSU on Monday. Renovations are currently being made to the pendulum’s site to ensure safety and present the pendulum as an art exhibit, not a ride.

“The new site redesign will enhance the pendulum as a scientific art exhibit and will include signage developed by the physics and Art Gallery departments,” Thimmesch said. “I am confident that the university community will appreciate the improvements. At some time in the future we will have an event that officially reopens the site.”

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