Arts and Entertainment Briefs 2/14

Sabrina Edwards, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Get the Van Gogh experience

An immersive art exhibit will be coming to Grand Rapids that features the work of Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. This will feature more than 300 pieces of Van Gogh’s art. The exhibit uses large-scale projectors to surround the viewer in the artwork. Casting it onto the walls, floor and ceilings of the room. These projections create swirls that are reminiscent of the brush strokes in Van Gogh’s oil paintings. As of now, the cost of the event and the location are not listed on the event page, There currently is a sign-up period, those who are interested can sign up there to receive more information once it’s released. This will be the second time this exhibit has been in Michigan, the first being last June through Oct. in Detroit at the TCF Center.

Check out World of Winter events

On Feb. 14 from 6 to 8 p.m., couples can get their photo taken in front of a Valentine-themed ice sculpture. There will be an ice wall with a heart engraved into it, those who attend can also get their names carved into the ice. The sculpture will be outside of Kilwin’s near Rosa Parks Circle. The photo op is free to all.

This week there will be more musical performances available for the public to attend. On Feb. 16 there will be a group drumming circle. This will be led by Josh Dunigan. Some drums will be provided for those who are interested. The drumming circle will be interactive, getting all who attend involved. This event will take place at 555 Monroe Ave.

Help Lions and Rabbits fundraise

Lions and Rabbits Center for the Arts is partnering with Rosebud LLC to put on a fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 19. “Modelo Meltdown” will help raise money for public art campaigns this year. There will be live entertainment, an artist market, games, food and drinks. This event is a celebration of art in Grand Rapids and local artists. The fundraiser will take place at GR Chicks Way behind Garage Bar. Those interested can attend for free. The fundraiser will start at noon and last until 5 p.m.

Movies on the Piazza

Studio Park will be showing two movies outdoors. “Cool Runnings” will be starting at 1 p.m. and will run until 3 p.m. This film is rated PG. The second film that will be shown is “I, Tonya,” which will start at 4 p.m. This movie is rated R. Both movies are free, those who want to attend have to just provide their own seating.