On-campus dining, housing guidelines during COVID-19

Courtesy / Kendra Stanley-Mills

Kylie Elwell, Staff Reporter

For the majority of the summer, upcoming freshmen and other on-campus students have been wondering what on campus life will look like for their upcoming semester. On-campus housing and dining will appear much different than it has in years prior, due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines. GVSU housing and food service staff want to keep students as safe as possible this school year. 

Residents in housing will be asked to social distance in all common areas such as lounges and community bathrooms,” said Adam Tate, Facilities Manager for Housing. “Some furniture has been removed, spaced according to 6 foot distance guidelines, and stickers (have been) added to the carpet to indicate where chairs should be positioned. In community bathrooms, some sinks will be offline to create more spacing as well.”

Campus Dining will be closing Fresh Food Company on the upper level in Commons, Engrained inside the Blue Connection, the Faculty Dining Room on the lower level Kirkhof, and Corner Store inside AuSable Hall. Many dining areas will be open earlier and later than usual to accommodate for other places closing. All Campus Dining locations, besides the Lobby Shop in Kirkhof, will be cashless to reduce the spread of germs on surfaces (Meal Plans, Campus Dining gift cards, personal debit or credit cards and Apple Pay will be accepted).

The majority of dining locations will reduce seating and have all tables spaced 6 feet apart based on social distancing guidelines. All locations will also have a takeout option for meals if students would prefer to do that instead of dining in. 

Occupancy limits will also be added to common area social/study spaces as a way to indicate when social distancing may become difficult,” Tate said. 

On-campus dorms and apartments will have quite a different set of guidelines compared to previous years. The only guests permitted into living centers and apartments will be other GVSU housing residents, with the exception of move-in and move-out where parents and supporters are welcome. 

Overnight guests are not allowed at this time and no guests will be allowed during quiet hours, which are 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Visiting hours allow for students on campus to still see their friends, as well as work on assignments with friends and classmates. 

This year on campus will look much different than before. On campus housing and dining faculty and staff are working to make it as great of an experience as possible for students on campus, while still making sure everyone is as safe as possible while being there.